
ArtTransferletsyoutransformyourphotoswithinspirationfromrenownedartistsfromvanGoghtoKandinsky.Installtheappandselectthecamerabutton ...,AreyoucuriousaboutwhatVanGogh'sStarryNightlookslikeupclose?HaveyouevertouredtheancientMayatemplesormettheinspirationalfiguresof ...,2024年4月17日—It'syourdoorwaytoexploretheart,history,peopleandwondersofourworld.Highlights:•ArtTransfer–Takeaphotoandtransformit...

Art Transfer

Art Transfer lets you transform your photos with inspiration from renowned artists from van Gogh to Kandinsky. Install the app and select the camera button ...

Google Arts & Culture

Are you curious about what Van Gogh's Starry Night looks like up close? Have you ever toured the ancient Maya temples or met the inspirational figures of ...

Google Arts & Culture on the App Store

2024年4月17日 — It's your doorway to explore the art, history, people and wonders of our world. Highlights: • Art Transfer – Take a photo and transform it with ...

Google藝術與文化新增「Art Transfer」功能家常菜變名畫風格

2020年4月7日 — Google 藝術與文化應用程式最近又新增「Art Transfer」功能,只需簡單步驟就能將大家拍攝的相片與美術珍藏結合成全新藝術品。在英國國家美術館及日本MOA ...

How to Use Art Transfer

How to Use Art Transfer. Where next?

How to Use Google Art Transfer to Make Your Photos into ...

Blog post on how to use Google Art Transfer to make your photos into works of art.

Transform your photo in the style of an iconic artist

2020年4月2日 — Art Transfer is a new feature in the Google Arts & Culture app that lets you transform your photo or selfie using inspiration from the style ...


2020年4月10日 — The 'Art Transfer' function allows users to take their own photos and combine them with famous existing artworks as a whole new creation. Unlike ...